All about in app purchaces and hackers
The game really goes for your money and things like a sniper rifel can cost as much as $30 of real money. You’d think with all of the money they take from players they could do something about making the gameplay fair but dont get your hopes up some days it takes hours to find a game not dominated by someone who cheats the game. Their website gives you instructions on how to record the hack for reporting rather than having some sort of involvment in their own game or at least an in game option.
The newest version requires you to pay $10-$20 for tanks and helicopters to even be competitive in the vehical maps.
The game play when all things are equal is actually a lot of fun it’s too bad that they shamefully go after your wallet at every opportunity.
The newest versions took away maps you’d already paid for and made you earn or pay for them again and they took out some maps all together. As well as removing consumable items like grenades that you can pay real money for.
Zero support this game should be looked at for removal. Red Crucible is the very worst of what video games have become today.
B Ainsworth about
War Trigger 3